Bouncewarehouse Sports



Game Types: 8-Ball & 9-Ball.

Equipment: Cue stick, pool balls, and a table.

Basic Gameplay:


  • 8-Ball: Players are assigned solids or stripes.
  • 9-Ball: Players must hit the lowest-numbered ball first.

Fouls & Penalties::

  • Scratching the cue ball = ball-in-hand for the opponent.
  • Sinking the 8-ball too early = automatic loss.

Pay & Play PoolTable — Frequently Asked Questions

1v1 or doubles (2v2).

No, but if other players are waiting, we encourage fair play

Yes, cue sticks and chalk are provided.

You either re-rack or spot the 8-ball, depending on house rules.

No, you must hit your assigned group first.

Pocket the 9-ball legally after hitting the lowest-numbered ball.

Yes, but only if done legally (without scooping under the ball).

It’s a foul, and the opponent gets ball-in-hand.

10-30 minutes, depending on skill level.

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