Players: 1v1 (singles) or 2v2 (doubles)
Court: Same size as a doubles badminton court.
Equipment: A solid paddle and a light plastic ball with holes.
Basic Gameplay:
- Underhand serve from behind the baseline.
- The ball must land diagonally in the opponent’s service box.
Double Bounce Rule: - The ball must bounce once on both sides before volleys are allowed.
Scoring: - Only the serving team scores.
- Games are played to 11 points, win by 2 points.

Fouls & Penalties::
- Hitting the ball out of bounds.
- Volleying before the ball bounces once on each side.
- Stepping into the no-volley zone while volleying.
Pay & Play PickleBall — Frequently Asked Questions
Pickleball is played on a smaller court with a lighter ball and paddles instead of rackets.
Yes, paddle & ball rentals are available
You can reserve online or visit Bounce Warehouse.
No! It’s beginner-friendly and social.
30-60 minutes, depending on the skill level.
Yes, but not on the serve return.
It’s a non-volley zone near the net where you cannot volley the ball.
Yes, but spin shots are harder with a Pickleball paddle.
No, it’s a low-impact sport, great for all ages.